2.07 Free Choice Blog

ANIMAL FARM The main idea, from my perspective, of this story was to show how power can change someone even animals who fought for their right to not be ruled and mistreated. It's very ironic because the pigs were the smartest bunch out of all the animals when in reality they are seen as the messiest. Throughout the story they manipulate the rules to their advantage instead of thinking of the greater good for the animal farm. What was your personal reaction to this reading selection? I enjoyed this story very much because of it's relevance to inequality. I say this because I'm an advocate for equality so this book helped inspire and continue my pursuit of equality for everyone. If you were to create notes to help you remember the most important points from your reading, what style of notes (lists, outlines, thought bubbles or webs, etc.) would you use and why? I think thought bubbles would be my preferred style of note taking for this book...